If you are translating the manual you could use this file to quickly upgrade the manual, so you won't have to go through the entire manual each time a new version of Terminate comes out. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ This changed in the manual from 1.41 to 1.50 From this version you each helpfile that was changed will have all changes at the same time. Please if you are translating the helpfiles. Run through all manuals every time you upgrade a manual. You must use an editor that allows you to have the standard english helpfile in one window and your new file in another window. Qedit is able of foing this. Helpfile Changed ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ALT-Z.TXT Sh-Esc moved to second column and AltF11+AltF12 in last column. NEWFILE INTERNAT.HLP must be fully translated * ALL * No lines must be longer than 77 chars. It is to ensure that most printers will print out without trouble. TEST78 will now report lines longer than 77 instead of longer than 78. Everywhere is ascii/Ascii changed to ASCII. Everywhere is ansi/Ansi changed to ANSI. Everywhere is kb/Kb changed to KB. Everywhere is mb/Mb changed to MB. Everywhere is 2:231/111 changed to 2:236/111 TERMINAT Pulled out header of TERMINAT.HLP, inserted INTRODUCTION.... In the future when running MANUAL.EXE first the helpfiles are compiled and the index created. Then they are copied together: FRONTPGE.HLP+TERMINAT.IDX+TERMINAT.DOC = TERMINAT.DOC Changed Alt-F9 ^hESC^n ^hRETURN^n Alt-F9 ENTER changed colour to bold ^b (index problem) Was totally repositioned, so many things changes not the actual translation. Watch the color codes very carefully, since they are changed so the MANUAL.EXE can create an index file. Alt-M, File to terminal mode added Alt-F9, removed bold color on I and RETURN Alt-M,G S-Registers added In general Alt-M should be rewritten Alt-F1+Alt-F2 was changed Alt-M Lock Keyboard -> Keyboard lock Added List of countries Alt-A changed to Alt-F11 Alt-F12 described Alt-A is now the SmartPad, also change in ALT-Z.HLP menu Insert DAN BBS in top and address Alt-M changed.. Greenwich Mean Time inserted Terminate Thesaurus in end FILEMANA SPACE Last 5 lines, explaining mail files All letters are changed from bold to high ^h so they will be found in the index. Alt-J removed from DOS-shell All keyword-lines was changed to they work in index. Copy file have a few extra lines on printing Switches around the Drive not present app. line 23-25 Added Changing directories Added Q=Quiet Head of menu is now called Terminate Commmander, copyright removed MODEMDIA || will send a single | .......... No connect strings changed from highlight to bold ^b 10 initstrings instead of 5 PROTOCOL CIS Quick B+ added In external protocol menu, the !W Swap line is changed !I and !A is explained below CR/LF Translation changed to CR Translation LF Tran.. etc... Signature / Signature Hex move to same line and seperated so it will be found when jumping to the help. All external protocol lines was moved 1 to the left, not menu though, be carefull. Batch upload added in bottom Enable internal protocols was change to Enable protocols USERSSET Security menu (Network lock) and the last lines about lock Changes positions for encrypt logfile and network lock Removed the highlight from ^hWhen calling systems...... Added a little to Callback COSTMANA 3 lines added in menu and at the bottom. Secondary currency Cost files changes to Cost file 1 Cost file 2 Cost file 3 Pr. changed to Per in menu and below in text HOSTSETT External utilities changed to External 1...2...3 on same line Shut down password changed to Shut down pwd Changed menu, moved time up, expanded modem, AT BIOS Fax receive was rewritten Fax answer was rewritten Fax directory has been deleted both in menu and text Ring count was added Callback wait was added Logging in to the host mode was changed, Alt-Y and Alt-J was explained below this The commands was sorted COMMUNIC Databits missed a space in menu, and moved down in front of Databits (otherwise searching does not work) Receive buffer size / Transmit buffer size was changed so the search will work, copy line from original file. 'Comport settings' changed to 'Configure comports' The space between Parity and the description is now 3 less Uart/Serial and 5 lines down was moved 2 places to the left Auto installation Baudrate... 2 lines added. POINTSYS Nodelist 1..2..3 on same line GENERALM Filefinder/Scan drives changed. Copy from original file. Release buffer was changed a little Pause time / char now on same line. Minimum diskspace inserted below, also changed in the text below ScrollBack buffer was changed FILEPATH Run after download/upload changed. Copy from original file. Download manager menu was changed, no text changed Qwk reply files was moved 1 pos to the left, to match the rest Added Semaphore directory+Exit file: menu and description Added two lines: If you change the first wildcard.......... Viewer filename was changed. @LIST Qwk reply files was changed. LOGINSCR A search word for login scripts was not changed in the code in the LOGINSCR.HLP it must still be called ^hMini Scripts^n. PHONEBOO Edit/View has now again spaces between highlighted keyword and text. That was made at the time only 600 lines was allowed. Comment 1 & 2 changed, so i can be found Time used/Connects changed to Time used/Connect, so it will jump down to the correct place instead of stopping in menu. Dial prefix Dial suffix now placed on same line (app. 467) Changed from highlight to bold: ^h12->1200 , 24->2400 All keys was changed from bold to highligst, a lot was repositioned. ^hO^nther changed to ^bO^nther in the first lines UART ...14400 paragraf removed POINTSYS The outbound window: the flags changed from high to bold ^b Changed keyword ^b to ^h several places. Zone is now better explained Check BossSetup for positions TOGGLESM Totally rewritten, beware of changes in menu-window backup now also says: and note files Reginfo bright changed EMULATIO ^hC- = Ctrl Sh- = Shift^n changed to bold ^h@DIAL 5 6 7 8 9 10^n moved 1 to the left Ansimusic changed to ANSI music FILETAGG ^h+^n will .^h-^n... was changed from high to bold Some keyword had 3 spaces before description. That was changed to 2 spaces. The first 30-50 lines was completely rewritten. Tagged files / Tagged from was changed and additional info was appended. Menu was repositioned G GenTag was added U UnTag was added SCRCOLOR Blind palette and two extra lines for this. MAINCONF Commandline switches has now no spaces, to the left and highlighted. All /xxxx has been moved 1 pos to the right. Errorlevels in the bottom was added. /NOIMPORT was added FAXMANAG New file, must be translated in full SCRCOLOR Added Purple palette Added 3 palettes Intense 1-3 and made a new switch called, use intensity. ENDOFMAN Was changed slightly, please adjust ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ